Yue Zhou, 周越

Yue Zhou is now working as a Research Fellow at S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University, focusing on remote sensing vision-language model.

Previously, he received his PhD degree at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, supervised by Professor Xue Jiang and Professor Xingzhao Liu. He also works closely with Xue Yang and Tianwen Zhang, focusing on rotated object detection and SAR ship detection tasks. Before that, he received his bachelor degree at the School of Information and Communication, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

His main works lie in rotated object detection and SAR ship detection. He led the initial release of MMRotate , and has been leading the development of it since 2022.

Recent News

01 / 2025: A collaborative paper on referring expression segmentation is accepted by ICLR

06 / 2024: A collaborative paper on semi-supervised change detection is accepted by JSTARS

05 / 2024: I’m awarded the Shanghai Outstanding Graduates

04 / 2024: One paper on physical attack (DGA) is accepted by TGRS

01 / 2024: A collaborative paper on SAR ship detection dataset won the Best Paper Award in Remote Sensing 2023

12 / 2023: A collaborative paper on multi-modal knowledge distillation is accepted by TGRS

12 / 2023: I’m awarded the Bench100: Top 100 Benchmarks & Evaluation achievement Award by International Open Benchmark Council

10 / 2023: I’m awarded by the Intel Fellowship (英特尔奖学金)

10 / 2023: One paper on adversarial attack (CamoNet) is accepted by Remote Sensing

08 / 2023: One paper on model distillation (GRD) is accepted by GRSL

07 / 2023: A report on adversarial attacks for object detection is made at IGARSS’2023 in Pasadena, CA, USA.

06 / 2023: One paper on semi-supervised object detection (SAR-Teacher) is accepted by JSTARS

01 / 2023: One collaborative paper on rotated object detection (H2RBox) is accepted by ICLR 2023

11 / 2022: One paper on rotated object detection (PVT-SAR) is accepted by JSTARS

10 / 2022: A report on rotated object detection is made at the Journal of Radar doctoral forum (雷达学报博士论坛)

08 / 2022: One collaborative paper on rotated object detection (SCRDet++) is accepted by TPAMI

06 / 2022: MMRotate is accepted by ACM MM as Oral

02 / 2022: Research internship at OpenMMLab

03 / 2021: One collaborative paper on rotated object detection (DCL) is accepted by CVPR 2021

09 / 2020: Research internship at Intel Asia R&D Center

12 / 2019: I won the 2st place in Tianzhi Cup on SAR aircraft detection and recognition track

10 / 2019: I’m awarded by the SMIC Scholarship (中芯国际奖学金)

07 / 2019: Research internship at Tencent YouTu Lab

06 / 2019: I won the 2nd place in TEDA&JD Cup on Automatic driving traffic sign recognition based on virtual simulation environment track

Academic Service

Conference Reviewer: CVPR’2025, ICLR’2024-2025, IGARSS’2024-2025, NeurIPS’2023.

Journal Reviewer: TIP, GRSM, TGRS, TCSVT, GRSL, J-STARS, Remote Sensing, GSIS.

Demo of MMRotate

Visitor Track